
Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fathers Day

This was definitely one of the best fathers days ever! I was able to properly spoil my hubby....well....almost properly. lol. I started the day out by making him something that he has been craving. Strawberry Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast. I served it with bacon and sausage as well as a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice for my handsome hubby. He watched some Three Stooges and played some Red Dead Redemption. Then the kids started hollering for lunch so I made stuffed Bacon Cheeseburgers and Seasoned French Fries. I made Mathew some chicken patties but Kelsie ended up eating three of them! After we ate, we got everyone in their swimsuits and headed to David's mom house. We swam and played around for quite a while. With the exception of the extreme sunshine...it was really fun. Audrey took the baby out of the sun after about 15 minutes and then took him inside but he really seemed to enjoy the water. We came back home and David and the kids played Beatles Rock Band while I made supper. I made David his favorite homemade chicken chimichangas and I also made Gringo Dip. Kelsie had regular nacho dip and Mathew had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut into the shape of a fish (haha) and a Danimals Yogurt Drink. He hasn't really been eating today. He has developed a rash.....well....let me rewind a bit for this....

On Saturday the 12th, David's cousin Brian got married to a wonderful girl named Kim Howell. We went to the wedding, which was beautiful by the way and then went to the reception. We had all three kids with us so we only stayed until 8:00 and then took everyone home. When we got home, Kelsie was complaining that she had a headache (not uncommon for her, poor thing has migraines) and that she was really cold. I felt her forehead and she was burning up. I gave her a dose of Motrin and sent her to bed. She fell asleep right away but woke up a couple hours later saying that she was hot. I felt her and she felt even hotter. I took her temp and she was a little over 102! I stripped her down and ran her a lukewarm bath. She was awake and aware but not making a whole lot of sense. I gave her the bath and dropped her temp to 101. She said that she felt better so I gave her a cool washcloth for her head and went to lay back down....not really sleeping though. A couple hours later she was back up saying that she was cold again. I took her temp and it wasn't quite 101. I gave her more Motrin and a fresh washcloth and put her in bed with me. David, being the awesome man that he is, slept on the couch. The next morning she seemed fine except that she had a few little spots under her arms. I thought that they were heat rash. She popped up a small fever during the day and didn't really eat much but she seemed ok. The next morning when she got out of bed, she was covered in spots. My first thought.....chicken pox. None of the kids has had it yet. I looked up chicken pox online and hers were nothing like them. She didn't itch or hurt....they were flat...they weren't crusty or weeping. I was stumped. I called mom and she was stumped. The next day they were brighter. I looked up rashes online again. I tested her for um....meningitis or something. She was negative according to it. She felt fine. On Thursday, she still had the spots but acted completely normal so we let her go to her MeMaw's. Before they went, Mathew got a small fever. A little over 100 degrees. I thought that maybe it was just from playing outside but gave him motrin and warned Audrey anyway. He was fine after that. Yesterday, Kelsie got up and came out and her spots were GONE! Just like that. Huh. Now today, Mathew is getting them. All I can figure is that it is a virus. I'm not sure what kind. Mathew probably won't have it for long though. He always kicks illnesses ass before it gets him down. Hahhahahhaha.

Anyway.....I need to go..this got longer than I meant. I need to go look for a Dvd from Family Video that no one can remember bringing home. I don't know what is going on but it's not good. hahahhaha


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