
Sunday, June 6, 2010

A Day in The Life

Ah......awesomeness. hahahahhahahaha. whew. Haven't laughed like that in a while.........no.....scratch that. I laugh like that at David all the time. He cracks me up.

Anyway.......it's been a pretty awesome weekend for the most part. I didn't get my diapers as I had hoped but as of last night....they are en route from Missouri. They should be here tomorrow! Yay! 12 more diapers! Thank God for that.

I've been feeling good. The kids have been good. Well.....the baby won't sleep through the night..but....eh. I have coffee.. :D On Friday, I scrubbed the heck out of the stove and cleaned the main part of the house. Today I'm hoping to have all the laundry done and put away. I also hope to clean our bedroom and tackle at least one of the kids rooms too. I feel like myself and that is awesome. Hahahhaha. I've started walking for exercise. I do about 2 to 2 1/2 miles a day. My new shoes kick my butt while doing it. I'm amazed at how bad some parts of our town look. We have some freaky people living around here. Thank goodness they aren't on our street. Thanks in large part to our own Neighborhood Nazi...Sandi. Hahhahahha. Thank God for Sandi.
We did have a little bit of a scare on Friday though. Mathew was riding his bike around the block (we can see the other street from the alley and he doesn't cross any roads this way). We were inside and Mathew comes running in and says "I was riding my bike on the sidewalk and there was a man walking on the sidewalk and he talked to me and he knew my NAME!" " He said "Go on there, Matt." I asked him how he knew me and he said that he knew me from students going to peoples houses"
I was completely freaked out and told him that he was in for the night. I told him that even though people may seem nice, that doesn't mean that they are. People that want to do bad things almost always seem nice at first. David and I have drilled this into the kids heads since forever but they are still kids and don't really think that anything bad can happen to them. Anyway.
About an hour later, our doorbell rings. It's the man. He ended up being a solicitor of magazine subscriptions. He didn't know Mathew at all. He didn't know our names. We were just a house on his route. My guess is that Mathew stopped to let him pass on the sidewalk and he said "Go on, Man". Mathew probably thought he said Matt. He went to all the other houses in the neighborhood and we researched on his company and everything. Still. A normal day in our for the most part normal life.
I should probably stop....I lost the train of thought that I was originally going to write this one with.....so now I'm just rambling......oh well. Back to life....hahaha


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