
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend and Last Day of School

Ok. I guess it's been a few days since I did this last. I almost forgot about it. I have a few minutes right now though since Ben is napping and David just got home.

Last Weekend
Ah.....last weekend. Ugh. For Memorial Day, we didn't really do anything too special. I explained to Kelsie what it was about, but that is just about it. Saturday went reasonably well.

Ok.....I had a whole section written here but since I do not know who is reading my blog...I decided to go ahead and delete it. No point in causing more drama than there already is. Just so you know....person that I originally wrote the vent about...I really really don't like you. I dislike you to the point of hatred. I think you are sneaky and manipulative and that you think you have the upper hand in the relationship that I am forced to have with you. You are wrong. Hahahahhaha.

Last Day of School
Short and sweet. Took them in and got their report cards. Talked briefly with their teachers and took them to IGA to get donut holes for a reward.
Mathew got straight A's and S's
Kelsie got A's and S's and one B.
WooHoo. Now they are home until Fall. hahhahahha......HELP.

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