This was definitely one of the best fathers days ever! I was able to properly spoil my hubby....well....almost properly. lol. I started the day out by making him something that he has been craving. Strawberry Cream Cheese Stuffed French Toast. I served it with bacon and sausage as well as a glass of milk and a glass of orange juice for my handsome hubby. He watched some Three Stooges and played some Red Dead Redemption. Then the kids started hollering for lunch so I made stuffed Bacon Cheeseburgers and Seasoned French Fries. I made Mathew some chicken patties but Kelsie ended up eating three of them! After we ate, we got everyone in their swimsuits and headed to David's mom house. We swam and played around for quite a while. With the exception of the extreme was really fun. Audrey took the baby out of the sun after about 15 minutes and then took him inside but he really seemed to enjoy the water. We came back home and David and the kids played Beatles Rock Band while I made supper. I made David his favorite homemade chicken chimichangas and I also made Gringo Dip. Kelsie had regular nacho dip and Mathew had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich cut into the shape of a fish (haha) and a Danimals Yogurt Drink. He hasn't really been eating today. He has developed a rash.....well....let me rewind a bit for this....
On Saturday the 12th, David's cousin Brian got married to a wonderful girl named Kim Howell. We went to the wedding, which was beautiful by the way and then went to the reception. We had all three kids with us so we only stayed until 8:00 and then took everyone home. When we got home, Kelsie was complaining that she had a headache (not uncommon for her, poor thing has migraines) and that she was really cold. I felt her forehead and she was burning up. I gave her a dose of Motrin and sent her to bed. She fell asleep right away but woke up a couple hours later saying that she was hot. I felt her and she felt even hotter. I took her temp and she was a little over 102! I stripped her down and ran her a lukewarm bath. She was awake and aware but not making a whole lot of sense. I gave her the bath and dropped her temp to 101. She said that she felt better so I gave her a cool washcloth for her head and went to lay back down....not really sleeping though. A couple hours later she was back up saying that she was cold again. I took her temp and it wasn't quite 101. I gave her more Motrin and a fresh washcloth and put her in bed with me. David, being the awesome man that he is, slept on the couch. The next morning she seemed fine except that she had a few little spots under her arms. I thought that they were heat rash. She popped up a small fever during the day and didn't really eat much but she seemed ok. The next morning when she got out of bed, she was covered in spots. My first thought.....chicken pox. None of the kids has had it yet. I looked up chicken pox online and hers were nothing like them. She didn't itch or hurt....they were flat...they weren't crusty or weeping. I was stumped. I called mom and she was stumped. The next day they were brighter. I looked up rashes online again. I tested her for um....meningitis or something. She was negative according to it. She felt fine. On Thursday, she still had the spots but acted completely normal so we let her go to her MeMaw's. Before they went, Mathew got a small fever. A little over 100 degrees. I thought that maybe it was just from playing outside but gave him motrin and warned Audrey anyway. He was fine after that. Yesterday, Kelsie got up and came out and her spots were GONE! Just like that. Huh. Now today, Mathew is getting them. All I can figure is that it is a virus. I'm not sure what kind. Mathew probably won't have it for long though. He always kicks illnesses ass before it gets him down. Hahhahahhaha.
Anyway.....I need to go..this got longer than I meant. I need to go look for a Dvd from Family Video that no one can remember bringing home. I don't know what is going on but it's not good. hahahhaha
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Yep....the title says it all! I am annoyed! I am annoyed to the point of being pissed off. You! Person that I am pissed off at! I am getting really close to shutting you out of our lives!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
A Day in The Life
Ah......awesomeness. hahahahhahahaha. whew. Haven't laughed like that in a that. I laugh like that at David all the time. He cracks me up.'s been a pretty awesome weekend for the most part. I didn't get my diapers as I had hoped but as of last night....they are en route from Missouri. They should be here tomorrow! Yay! 12 more diapers! Thank God for that.
I've been feeling good. The kids have been good. Well.....the baby won't sleep through the I have coffee.. :D On Friday, I scrubbed the heck out of the stove and cleaned the main part of the house. Today I'm hoping to have all the laundry done and put away. I also hope to clean our bedroom and tackle at least one of the kids rooms too. I feel like myself and that is awesome. Hahahhaha. I've started walking for exercise. I do about 2 to 2 1/2 miles a day. My new shoes kick my butt while doing it. I'm amazed at how bad some parts of our town look. We have some freaky people living around here. Thank goodness they aren't on our street. Thanks in large part to our own Neighborhood Nazi...Sandi. Hahhahahha. Thank God for Sandi.
We did have a little bit of a scare on Friday though. Mathew was riding his bike around the block (we can see the other street from the alley and he doesn't cross any roads this way). We were inside and Mathew comes running in and says "I was riding my bike on the sidewalk and there was a man walking on the sidewalk and he talked to me and he knew my NAME!" " He said "Go on there, Matt." I asked him how he knew me and he said that he knew me from students going to peoples houses"
I was completely freaked out and told him that he was in for the night. I told him that even though people may seem nice, that doesn't mean that they are. People that want to do bad things almost always seem nice at first. David and I have drilled this into the kids heads since forever but they are still kids and don't really think that anything bad can happen to them. Anyway.
About an hour later, our doorbell rings. It's the man. He ended up being a solicitor of magazine subscriptions. He didn't know Mathew at all. He didn't know our names. We were just a house on his route. My guess is that Mathew stopped to let him pass on the sidewalk and he said "Go on, Man". Mathew probably thought he said Matt. He went to all the other houses in the neighborhood and we researched on his company and everything. Still. A normal day in our for the most part normal life.
I should probably stop....I lost the train of thought that I was originally going to write this one now I'm just rambling......oh well. Back to life....hahaha
Andrea's been a pretty awesome weekend for the most part. I didn't get my diapers as I had hoped but as of last night....they are en route from Missouri. They should be here tomorrow! Yay! 12 more diapers! Thank God for that.
I've been feeling good. The kids have been good. Well.....the baby won't sleep through the I have coffee.. :D On Friday, I scrubbed the heck out of the stove and cleaned the main part of the house. Today I'm hoping to have all the laundry done and put away. I also hope to clean our bedroom and tackle at least one of the kids rooms too. I feel like myself and that is awesome. Hahahhaha. I've started walking for exercise. I do about 2 to 2 1/2 miles a day. My new shoes kick my butt while doing it. I'm amazed at how bad some parts of our town look. We have some freaky people living around here. Thank goodness they aren't on our street. Thanks in large part to our own Neighborhood Nazi...Sandi. Hahhahahha. Thank God for Sandi.
We did have a little bit of a scare on Friday though. Mathew was riding his bike around the block (we can see the other street from the alley and he doesn't cross any roads this way). We were inside and Mathew comes running in and says "I was riding my bike on the sidewalk and there was a man walking on the sidewalk and he talked to me and he knew my NAME!" " He said "Go on there, Matt." I asked him how he knew me and he said that he knew me from students going to peoples houses"
I was completely freaked out and told him that he was in for the night. I told him that even though people may seem nice, that doesn't mean that they are. People that want to do bad things almost always seem nice at first. David and I have drilled this into the kids heads since forever but they are still kids and don't really think that anything bad can happen to them. Anyway.
About an hour later, our doorbell rings. It's the man. He ended up being a solicitor of magazine subscriptions. He didn't know Mathew at all. He didn't know our names. We were just a house on his route. My guess is that Mathew stopped to let him pass on the sidewalk and he said "Go on, Man". Mathew probably thought he said Matt. He went to all the other houses in the neighborhood and we researched on his company and everything. Still. A normal day in our for the most part normal life.
I should probably stop....I lost the train of thought that I was originally going to write this one now I'm just rambling......oh well. Back to life....hahaha
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Oops.....hahahha. I think that somebody got a little cranky! Hmmmm.....should I apologize??? NOPE! I haven't got anything to apologize for. Love it or Leave it. The choice is yours. Hahahhahhahahhahahhahhahhahahhahahhahahahaha! I think it is hilarious when people get all worked up and they don't even know what is going on....... ROFLMAO
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Adventures in Mice Catching
This all started a couple of weeks ago. I was up with the baby around 3:00 in the morning and I saw something run across the dining room floor. It was right by the doorway to the living room where I was sitting. My first thought was...hmmm.....that was awful big to be a waterbug. We have waterbug issues because we live in a house that is over 120 years old and we have a basement that is not finished. I had sprayed, which unfortunately makes them come out in droves so that they can die where I have to clean them up. Haha. Anyway. I kept watching the doorway while feeding Ben and sure enough....about 5 minutes after the first time...I saw it run back the other way. It was a freaking mouse!! Now I don't have a fear of mice but I also do not want them in my HOUSE! Especially not running back and forth on the floor where Ben has his floor time. I went and told David (he does have a fear of mice) and he got up to see it. It just kept running back and forth until almost 6:00. David ran to the store and got some traps. I baited them up with peanut butter and placed them where the mouse had come out of and where it had been running to. We didn't catch it. The next morning when I checked the traps...the peanut butter had been licked cleanly off of the traps! David then got a different brand of springy death traps. I did less peanut butter on these thinking that maybe the mouse would have to get closer and spring the trap to get the treat. Next morning.....same thing. No peanut butter but no mouse either. The next night we were both up with Ben at around 4:00 in the morning and we saw that there wasn't 1 mouse! There were 2!! It was a freaking family! David had found one a few days before this started in the bucket of catfood that we keep in the back entryway but we had assumed that it got in just to get the catfood and then got stuck. We now had to assume that it had been part of this mouse family. David went out that day and got a live trap and the sticky glue traps. I'm not a big fan of the glue traps because they seem so mean but David was beyond the point of mercy with these mice. He even slept with his shoes on one night because they were freaking him out so much. The first night with the new traps.....nada. The second day, I moved them. I wedged them in between the wall and the cabinet that they were getting behind. Early nightime, we heard a scratching noise. I thought it was the live trap but I checked it and it was empty. So I checked the glue traps and sure enough we had the young mouse on it. The scratching sound was the plastic trap scraping against the wall. It didn't squeak at all though. Speaking of which....the one that David found in the catfood didn't squeak either.....we have never heard a squeak out of any of these mice! Anyway......I picked up the trap with tongs and we put it in a WalMart bag and David threw it in the outside trash can. We moved one of the other traps to the same spot that we caught the little one and hoped that the mama would come out and get caught too. NOPE. The next morning I heard the scratching again and looked over at the trap to see it standing straight up in the space between the wall and the cabinet. I grabbed it with the tongs but the mouse had escaped! This mouse was too dang smart! I got online and looked up how to catch a mouse that avoided the traps. I learned that if you wedge a nut down in the trap, they couldn't help but spring it while trying to get the nut out. I set up one trap with an almond shoved in it and hoped to hear a snap during the night. We saw and heard nothing of the mouse for DAYS! I was almost convinced that it had gotten glue in it's mouth and died behind the cabinet. Not a pleasant prospect for me. We left the traps out anyway. This morning, as I sat down Mathew's scrambled eggs and toast....he looks over and says....."Oh. You caught the mouse!" "Cool!" I looked over and sure enough....the trap with the almond was flipped over on top of a dead mouse. EW. I called David and told the kids not to look..which of course prompted them to stare at it as hard as they could. I threw it in the trash.....trap and all which prompted a call from David saying "AW! I wanted to see it!" Hahahahha. Well, thus ends my two week adventure in mice catching. I feel much better. Now I can do picking up at night when I'm up and not have to fear the mouse. hahahahha.
Well, hopefully the next entry will be more entertaining. LOL.
Well, hopefully the next entry will be more entertaining. LOL.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Weekend and Last Day of School
Ok. I guess it's been a few days since I did this last. I almost forgot about it. I have a few minutes right now though since Ben is napping and David just got home.
Last Weekend
Ah.....last weekend. Ugh. For Memorial Day, we didn't really do anything too special. I explained to Kelsie what it was about, but that is just about it. Saturday went reasonably well.
Ok.....I had a whole section written here but since I do not know who is reading my blog...I decided to go ahead and delete it. No point in causing more drama than there already is. Just so you know....person that I originally wrote the vent about...I really really don't like you. I dislike you to the point of hatred. I think you are sneaky and manipulative and that you think you have the upper hand in the relationship that I am forced to have with you. You are wrong. Hahahahhaha.
Last Day of School
Short and sweet. Took them in and got their report cards. Talked briefly with their teachers and took them to IGA to get donut holes for a reward.
Mathew got straight A's and S's
Kelsie got A's and S's and one B.
WooHoo. Now they are home until Fall. hahhahahha......HELP.
Last Weekend
Ah.....last weekend. Ugh. For Memorial Day, we didn't really do anything too special. I explained to Kelsie what it was about, but that is just about it. Saturday went reasonably well.
Ok.....I had a whole section written here but since I do not know who is reading my blog...I decided to go ahead and delete it. No point in causing more drama than there already is. Just so you know....person that I originally wrote the vent about...I really really don't like you. I dislike you to the point of hatred. I think you are sneaky and manipulative and that you think you have the upper hand in the relationship that I am forced to have with you. You are wrong. Hahahahhaha.
Last Day of School
Short and sweet. Took them in and got their report cards. Talked briefly with their teachers and took them to IGA to get donut holes for a reward.
Mathew got straight A's and S's
Kelsie got A's and S's and one B.
WooHoo. Now they are home until Fall. hahhahahha......HELP.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
First time Blogging
Well, here we go!
I'm not a blogger in any sense but I thought that it might be interesting to do. I wouldn't mind being able to look back on these later. HAHA. I guess I will write about yesterday.
Yesterday we took the kids to Holiday World for the first time. I used to go as a kid but I don't think that David had ever been there. We thought that it would be a nice changup from our normal Spring/Summer outing of the St. Louis Zoo. We will be going to the zoo this fall though. We had originally thought that we would leave on Tuesday afternoon, check into a hotel and then go to Holiday world the next day. However, after pricing hotels near Holiday world, we decided that we would just leave early on Wednesday and spend the day and then drive back. We saved about 100 dollars by doing this. Also we saved on food because we only had to eat out for one days worth of meals instead of Supper, Breakfast, Lunch, Supper again. Haha. We got up at 5 in the morning on Wednesday and were hoping to be on the road at 6. We of course ran late but not too badly. I had packed the diaper bag the night before but we had a scramble trying to hunt down everyones bathing suits and towels. We then could not find the proof of insurance that we had printed out the day before. We just bought my parents mini van because they got a new van. We had it insured on Monday but just got it registered and plates bought for it on Tuesday. We ended up leaving without the proof of insurance and prayed for the best.
The trip there wasn't too horrible. It didn't seem long until we hit the Indiana state line. Right there were billboards advertising Holiday world. My oldest son saw this and woke up Kelsie and Ben by yelling "We're here! We're here! We are at Holiday World! I can't wait to ride the roller coasters!". Of course, we were still like 50 miles from Holiday world at this point and I was silently cursing the advertising people at Holiday world. hahahhaha. I had to keep telling him that we were just in Indiana...not holiday world yet. Of course, him, being 7 completely failed to grasp the idea that Holiday world and Indiana were not one and the same. That kid kills me sometimes. :D We got there and parked in a parking lot forever away from the park. Even though there was parking right by the they don't charge for parking.....David just was worried that he would get lost if he didn't park in the first lot available. We paid out our 150 freaking dollars and walked into the everyone found the restrooms. Haha. Then we walked into the park. We covered ourselves in the free sunscreen (except David...he's too MANLY for sunscreen) and found a map. They opened the rides about 3 minutes after we got there so the lines weren't too bad. David took Kelsie and Mathew up to the line for The Raven which is one of the roller coasters. I took Ben in the stroller over to a shady bench and proceeded to keep him from eating the map. About 5 minutes after he took them to the line he came walking back out with both of them and said that Mathew had decided that he wasn't going to ride. Then he took Kelsie BACK to the line and had to wait another 10 minutes. Haha. They eventually came back out after riding and the first thing out of David's mouth is "NEVER AGAIN!". He was terrified and spent the whole ride convinced that Kelsie was going to fall out so he squeazed her the whole time. Too cute. I rode the scrambler with both of the older kids and then we moved on. Kelsie rode the swings and the gravity spinner. Then she was going to ride the rocket ride but came out of the line after watching the teenage girls scream their heads off while riding it. Then David took the older kids on the train and all the kids on the Carousel.
I'm not a blogger in any sense but I thought that it might be interesting to do. I wouldn't mind being able to look back on these later. HAHA. I guess I will write about yesterday.
Yesterday we took the kids to Holiday World for the first time. I used to go as a kid but I don't think that David had ever been there. We thought that it would be a nice changup from our normal Spring/Summer outing of the St. Louis Zoo. We will be going to the zoo this fall though. We had originally thought that we would leave on Tuesday afternoon, check into a hotel and then go to Holiday world the next day. However, after pricing hotels near Holiday world, we decided that we would just leave early on Wednesday and spend the day and then drive back. We saved about 100 dollars by doing this. Also we saved on food because we only had to eat out for one days worth of meals instead of Supper, Breakfast, Lunch, Supper again. Haha. We got up at 5 in the morning on Wednesday and were hoping to be on the road at 6. We of course ran late but not too badly. I had packed the diaper bag the night before but we had a scramble trying to hunt down everyones bathing suits and towels. We then could not find the proof of insurance that we had printed out the day before. We just bought my parents mini van because they got a new van. We had it insured on Monday but just got it registered and plates bought for it on Tuesday. We ended up leaving without the proof of insurance and prayed for the best.
The trip there wasn't too horrible. It didn't seem long until we hit the Indiana state line. Right there were billboards advertising Holiday world. My oldest son saw this and woke up Kelsie and Ben by yelling "We're here! We're here! We are at Holiday World! I can't wait to ride the roller coasters!". Of course, we were still like 50 miles from Holiday world at this point and I was silently cursing the advertising people at Holiday world. hahahhaha. I had to keep telling him that we were just in Indiana...not holiday world yet. Of course, him, being 7 completely failed to grasp the idea that Holiday world and Indiana were not one and the same. That kid kills me sometimes. :D We got there and parked in a parking lot forever away from the park. Even though there was parking right by the they don't charge for parking.....David just was worried that he would get lost if he didn't park in the first lot available. We paid out our 150 freaking dollars and walked into the everyone found the restrooms. Haha. Then we walked into the park. We covered ourselves in the free sunscreen (except David...he's too MANLY for sunscreen) and found a map. They opened the rides about 3 minutes after we got there so the lines weren't too bad. David took Kelsie and Mathew up to the line for The Raven which is one of the roller coasters. I took Ben in the stroller over to a shady bench and proceeded to keep him from eating the map. About 5 minutes after he took them to the line he came walking back out with both of them and said that Mathew had decided that he wasn't going to ride. Then he took Kelsie BACK to the line and had to wait another 10 minutes. Haha. They eventually came back out after riding and the first thing out of David's mouth is "NEVER AGAIN!". He was terrified and spent the whole ride convinced that Kelsie was going to fall out so he squeazed her the whole time. Too cute. I rode the scrambler with both of the older kids and then we moved on. Kelsie rode the swings and the gravity spinner. Then she was going to ride the rocket ride but came out of the line after watching the teenage girls scream their heads off while riding it. Then David took the older kids on the train and all the kids on the Carousel.

They rode the Bumper cars and drove the jeeps and then I rode the octopus ride with Kelsie. We then walked all the way to Thanksgiving land in hopes of eating at the cafe there but they weren't open yet. So we went into Splashin safari. We ate there (the food wasn't bad) Got on our suits and went to swim. We had to buy a swimming diaper for Ben and David's swimming shorts were falling off him so he had to buy shorts there too. Haha. After all that, Ben hated the water and I was about dying of heat. I took Ben, the stroller, everyones clothes and shoes over to the baby pool while David went to do the water slides/rides with the older two. Ben hated that water too so I ended up feeding him and trying to keep him cool for a couple hours. David eventually came back and I went with the kids to float down "the river". After we got to the end, the kids informed me that they wanted to do it again but without me this time. We could see river from the baby pool so I told them that they could ride again and I would go back to David and Ben. They rode and then things went wrong. David went to get me a lemonade and I stayed with Ben and all the stuff. The kids came back towards me but walked right past me. I yelled their names but they kept walking. I turned and grabbed Ben in the stroller and turned around but they were gone. I hoped that they had seen David and went to him. David came walking back without the kids and I told him that they had taken off in the direction he came from. He said he would go get them but came back a couple minutes later and told me that he couldn't find them. We split up to look for them and it took like 15 minutes. I was getting completely hysterical and was ready to have them shut down the park when I finally spotted Mathew standing by the wave pool and drinking a pepsi. I grabbed him and asked him what was he thinking and where was his sister. She was in the deep end of the pool and even though he kept pointing towards her, I still couldn't find her. I finally sent him in to yell at her and we met back up with David and Ben and headed out of the park. Kelsie was ticked off at me because she didn't think that it was a big deal but I was beyond the point of a second chance to stay. The drive home was miserable because we were all angry and dehydrated. Ben was happy though. Haha. We got home and got some food and were all in bed by 9:30. Well, this ended up really long..haha. I'd better get back to straightening up this house. Haha. More later, I guess
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