
Thursday, May 27, 2010

First time Blogging

Well, here we go!
I'm not a blogger in any sense but I thought that it might be interesting to do. I wouldn't mind being able to look back on these later. HAHA. I guess I will write about yesterday.

Yesterday we took the kids to Holiday World for the first time. I used to go as a kid but I don't think that David had ever been there. We thought that it would be a nice changup from our normal Spring/Summer outing of the St. Louis Zoo. We will be going to the zoo this fall though. We had originally thought that we would leave on Tuesday afternoon, check into a hotel and then go to Holiday world the next day. However, after pricing hotels near Holiday world, we decided that we would just leave early on Wednesday and spend the day and then drive back. We saved about 100 dollars by doing this. Also we saved on food because we only had to eat out for one days worth of meals instead of Supper, Breakfast, Lunch, Supper again. Haha. We got up at 5 in the morning on Wednesday and were hoping to be on the road at 6. We of course ran late but not too badly. I had packed the diaper bag the night before but we had a scramble trying to hunt down everyones bathing suits and towels. We then could not find the proof of insurance that we had printed out the day before. We just bought my parents mini van because they got a new van. We had it insured on Monday but just got it registered and plates bought for it on Tuesday. We ended up leaving without the proof of insurance and prayed for the best.

The trip there wasn't too horrible. It didn't seem long until we hit the Indiana state line. Right there were billboards advertising Holiday world. My oldest son saw this and woke up Kelsie and Ben by yelling "We're here! We're here! We are at Holiday World! I can't wait to ride the roller coasters!". Of course, we were still like 50 miles from Holiday world at this point and I was silently cursing the advertising people at Holiday world. hahahhaha. I had to keep telling him that we were just in Indiana...not holiday world yet. Of course, him, being 7 completely failed to grasp the idea that Holiday world and Indiana were not one and the same. That kid kills me sometimes. :D We got there and parked in a parking lot forever away from the park. Even though there was parking right by the door........no they don't charge for parking.....David just was worried that he would get lost if he didn't park in the first lot available. We paid out our 150 freaking dollars and walked into the park......wait...no.....first everyone found the restrooms. Haha. Then we walked into the park. We covered ourselves in the free sunscreen (except David...he's too MANLY for sunscreen) and found a map. They opened the rides about 3 minutes after we got there so the lines weren't too bad. David took Kelsie and Mathew up to the line for The Raven which is one of the roller coasters. I took Ben in the stroller over to a shady bench and proceeded to keep him from eating the map. About 5 minutes after he took them to the line he came walking back out with both of them and said that Mathew had decided that he wasn't going to ride. Then he took Kelsie BACK to the line and had to wait another 10 minutes. Haha. They eventually came back out after riding and the first thing out of David's mouth is "NEVER AGAIN!". He was terrified and spent the whole ride convinced that Kelsie was going to fall out so he squeazed her the whole time. Too cute. I rode the scrambler with both of the older kids and then we moved on. Kelsie rode the swings and the gravity spinner. Then she was going to ride the rocket ride but came out of the line after watching the teenage girls scream their heads off while riding it. Then David took the older kids on the train and all the kids on the Carousel.

They rode the Bumper cars and drove the jeeps and then I rode the octopus ride with Kelsie. We then walked all the way to Thanksgiving land in hopes of eating at the cafe there but they weren't open yet. So we went into Splashin safari. We ate there (the food wasn't bad) Got on our suits and went to swim. We had to buy a swimming diaper for Ben and David's swimming shorts were falling off him so he had to buy shorts there too. Haha. After all that, Ben hated the water and I was about dying of heat. I took Ben, the stroller, everyones clothes and shoes over to the baby pool while David went to do the water slides/rides with the older two. Ben hated that water too so I ended up feeding him and trying to keep him cool for a couple hours. David eventually came back and I went with the kids to float down "the river". After we got to the end, the kids informed me that they wanted to do it again but without me this time. We could see river from the baby pool so I told them that they could ride again and I would go back to David and Ben. They rode and then things went wrong. David went to get me a lemonade and I stayed with Ben and all the stuff. The kids came back towards me but walked right past me. I yelled their names but they kept walking. I turned and grabbed Ben in the stroller and turned around but they were gone. I hoped that they had seen David and went to him. David came walking back without the kids and I told him that they had taken off in the direction he came from. He said he would go get them but came back a couple minutes later and told me that he couldn't find them. We split up to look for them and it took like 15 minutes. I was getting completely hysterical and was ready to have them shut down the park when I finally spotted Mathew standing by the wave pool and drinking a pepsi. I grabbed him and asked him what was he thinking and where was his sister. She was in the deep end of the pool and even though he kept pointing towards her, I still couldn't find her. I finally sent him in to yell at her and we met back up with David and Ben and headed out of the park. Kelsie was ticked off at me because she didn't think that it was a big deal but I was beyond the point of a second chance to stay. The drive home was miserable because we were all angry and dehydrated. Ben was happy though. Haha. We got home and got some food and were all in bed by 9:30. Well, this ended up really long..haha. I'd better get back to straightening up this house. Haha. More later, I guess


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